School Resources
Find resources designed for schools to be properly equipped to address the growing vaping epidemic.
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Start Here
Build knowledge of vaping.
Visit our About Vaping Page for more in-depth info on vaping.

Know the Facts
Review the latest data on youth vaping and tobacco use in Wisconsin.

Take Action
Find what you need to address nicotine addiction and tobacco use at your school.
Review and update your school policies and handbook.
Include equitable solutions that avoid punishing students for their addiction and instead, support them to live a healthy life.

Implement a prevention-focused curriculum
Include equitable solutions that avoid punishing students for their addiction and instead, support them to live a healthy life.

A national youth vaping prevention curriculum to educate students about the dangers of e-cigarette use.

A youth e-cigarette, JUUL, and vape prevention program specific to grades 5-12.
A six-lesson, theory-based and evidence-informed curriculum created by the Stanford REACH Lab

A free, bilingual, online curriculum, aligned with National Education Standards and 21st Century Skills, to help teens learn and build skills to avoid tobacco and nicotine.
You don't need to reinvent the wheel. Utilize existing toolkits to help guide your process.

Spread the Word
Be sure everyone in your students' lives knows the dangers of vaping.
More Resources for Families
American Lung Association: Vaping Conversation Guide
Truth Initiative: Tips for Parents and Educators
Surgeon General: Talk with Your Teen About E-cigarettes: A Tip Sheet for Parents

Resources to Help Teens Stop Vaping
American Academy of Pediatrics Cessation Supports for Youth and Young Adults
American Lung Association Annotated Bibliography on Youth Tobacco Cessation Strategies
SmokeFree Teen
Truth Initiative: This is Quitting
Wisconsin QuitLine: 800-QUIT-NOW or text READY to 200-400