School Resources

Find resources designed for schools to be properly equipped to address the growing vaping epidemic.

 Click on the images below to view and download.

a1 CAHL Prevention Partner.pdf

Start Here

Learn the Products.pdf
b2 e-cigarettes-schools.pdf

Know the Facts

c3 YTS 2018 high school.pdf
c4 YTS middle school.pdf

Take Action

b4 PUPinSmoke_FINAL_2019.pdf
Model Comprehensive Commercial Tobacco-Free School Policy
b3 Model_Policy_for_Comprehensive_Tobacco-Free_Schools 2019.pdf
Alternative to Suspension/Supportive Discipline Programs
Vaping_ Know the truth One Pager 5.31.22_0.pdf

A national youth vaping prevention curriculum to educate students about the dangers of e-cigarette use.


CATCH My Breath 

A youth e-cigarette, JUUL, and vape prevention program specific to grades 5-12.

A six-lesson, theory-based and evidence-informed curriculum created by the Stanford REACH Lab 

ASPIRE Module and Efficacy Fliers 2021.pdf

A free, bilingual, online curriculum, aligned with National Education Standards and 21st Century Skills, to help teens learn and build skills to avoid tobacco and nicotine.


Spread the Word

c2 OSH-E-Cigarettes-and-Youth-What-Educators-and-Coaches-Need-to-Know-2019
c1 OSH-E-Cigarettes-and-Youth-What-Parents-Need-to-Know-20190327-508.pdf

Resources to Help Teens Stop Vaping

TIQ You Got This Flyer for Website.pdf
TIQ Sticky Note Flyer For Website.pdf