On a mission to promote healthy lifestyles in our communities.
On a mission to promote healthy lifestyles in our communities.
We envision communities where the healthy choice is the easy choice.
We envision communities where the healthy choice is the easy choice.
We invite you to join our efforts by learning more about our work, following us on social media, and signing up for our updates.
Community in Action
Community in Action
"Tobacco Bars" pose a major threat to the clean, smoke-free air Wisconsin has come to know and enjoy. It's also bad for kids.
Learn why now.
"Tobacco Bars" pose a major threat to the clean, smoke-free air Wisconsin has come to know and enjoy. It's also bad for kids.
Learn why now.
Ending the Youth Vaping Epidemic
Ending the Youth Vaping Epidemic
Find tools and resources for schools to become equipped to combat the youth vaping epidemic on our Schools Page
Find tools and resources for schools to become equipped to combat the youth vaping epidemic on our Schools Page
Electronic cigarettes, little cigars, smokeless products, sweet candy flavors, and new products designed to hide addiction in plain sight. The next generation of dangerous and deceptive tobacco products is here and doesn’t look anything like a pack of cigarettes. Don't Be Fooled
Big Tobacco has targeted the LGBTQ+ community for decades. Pride month will come to an end, but without change, the problem will persist. Learn More
This international observance day is dedicated to educating about tobacco, vaping and the role of flavors like menthol. Learn More
A healthy future for everyone is our goal - and we will continue until we get there.
A healthy future for everyone is our goal - and we will continue until we get there.